Thursday, August 22, 2013

50 Facts About Emily

Hey y'all!

So this is my now third post and I've just realized we haven't even been properly introduced yet! My apologies. I'm Emily. I live in Texas and, no, I don't drive a tractor or ride a horse (though with the traffic here I sometimes think it might be faster to do so!).  This little blog is an extension of my channel over on YouTube by the same name. If you share an addiction to clothes and makeup, as I do, then you've stumbled across the only rehab you'll ever need; "Confessions From the Vanity."

We may just be getting acquainted over here on the written blog but I've recently uploaded the 50th video over on my channel. I can't even believe it! So, in celebration, I'm sharing with you 50- very random but some quite hilarious- facts about me!

1. My favorite color is pink. Pink, pink, pink. All day. Erry Day.

2. My middle name is Michelle. I never even really think about it until I meet someone named Michelle. Then I'm all like, "That's my middle name! Twinsies!" as if it's the same or something.

3. I love, love, love, to cook.

4. I grew up in the same house in Dallas my whole life until I left for college.

5. I have two biological brothers. They're 25 & 21. I live with one brother & the other lives in Hawaii.

6. Christmas is my favorite holiday. I put my tree up pretty much the weekend after Thanksgiving... and that's just the beginning!

7. I love to plan events and hope to further my career in it. I earned a marketable skills certificate in Meeting & Event Planning in 2012.

8. I absolutely NEED 2 cups of coffee every morning in order to function. I also like English Breakfast Tea with milk and honey.

9. I've loved dresses my whole life. When I was about 3 I wouldn't wear anything but dresses & they HAD to have "sashes" (or belts as people who aren't 3-yr-old princesses call them). My Oma made me a bunch of sashes, by folding some strips of fabric longways and sewing them together, so I'd have one for each dress.

10. I have no doubt I could survive solely (and happily) on popcorn forever.

11. There are three boys and three girls in my family; kind of like the Brady Bunch!

12. One of my cherished childhood possessions is my baby blanket. It's pink gingham and lace & has a green holding balloons bear on it- couldn't be more 80's.

13. My other is a baby doll my parents gave me when my brother, Michael, was born. I went to the hospital to see him and my dad rolled my new baby doll into the room in one of the little hospital bassinets. I named him Jack, but quickly started to deny that he was a boy (despite his anatomical correctness) and called him Jody. After I guess I accepted the fact that Michael was alright and he was a boy; I reverted back to Jack. Though he still wore a lot of girl doll clothing...

14. I don't have any tattoos. I can't choose something to put on my body forever. *see 46

15. But I used to have my belly button and then my tongue pierced. I've grown past crazy piercings but still have the scars to prove it.

16. I have weirdly curved pointer fingers. (Random facts, right?!)

17. I was born pigeon-toed and had to wear a brace to help my feet turn out properly.

18. When I finally got the brace off I thought you were supposed to wear shoes to bed. I wore my sparkly jelly shoes to bed every night until my parents could convince me otherwise.

19. I love musicals, live theatre, and dance.

20. My favorite musical is most definitely "Phantom of the Opera" closely followed by "Wicked" and I also love "Rent."

21. I used to be a nanny full time and also taught preschool full time.

22. I'm a pescatarian. Which means I eat fish, eggs, cheese, & drink milk but I don't eat any other kind of meat. I haven't had chicken, pork, turkey, or beef in nearly 4 years.

23. Growing up, I went to a christian, athletic summer camp called Kanakuk. It's where I have some of my most beloved memories of theme parties and campfires and water-sports, and so much more. Someday I hope to send my own children there.

24. Nope, this isn't my real hair color. I never think I'm fooling anyone but surprisingly get asked this question a lot.

25. I've been in a magazine twice in my life. When I was 2 1/2 I was on the cover of and in a featured article inside and recently I was in a magazine article about an event I helped to organize and execute.

26. I have this weird thing going on in my feet recently! Any time I put on socks, I mean even now just thinking of putting on socks, and the feeling of socks on the tile or on the carpet with no shoes makes my feet tingle! It's bazaar, I know. Welcome to my life.

27. I love British TV. Shows like the British version of Shameless, and Downton Abbey of course, and one I forgot to mention in my video was Misfits. I loved that show; well, till all the characters left. (Another blog post, another day...)

28. "Sex & the City" & "Friends" are my two favorite shows ever. I own the entire series of each of them on DVD.

29. I've never broken a bone in my body so far; and don't hope to any time soon!

30. I'm the oldest kid (I use the term "kid" loosely of course) in my immediate family.

31. I've always been disgusted by meat on the bone. We used to have fried chicken on Sundays at camp in #23 and I'm surprised I was able hold my composure (read: managed not to hurl) all those years despite all the carnivorous activity around me.

32. Jesus is my homeboy!

33. I'm a total Bookworm.

34. I am apt to burn myself when handling anything hot. I've burned myself countless times with my curling wand, the iron a few times, the popcorn maker, etc.

35. I find joy in staying active. In High School I was involved in quite a few campus activities and held officer positions in them my last two years as well as did cheerleading for a couple of years and then the dance team for a couple of years. In College I was in a sorority & also held an officer position. I'm involved in business-related, networking, and charitable organizations as an adult.

36. Milk is never a bad choice.

37. My dad likes to jest that they didn't name me "Grace" for a reason. And that reason would be because I can hardly stand upright without bumping into things, dropping things, falling down, or otherwise injuring myself.

38. As a grown-up, I've lived with both of my brothers as my roommates at one point or another.

39. I like the shower curtain closed during the day but it MUST be open at night. I thought I was the only one with shower curtain phobia, until I was older and people started sharing things like that on the Internet, because I actually have a traumatizing story as to how my fear came about:
          When I was in 4th grade, I went into a haunted house at the local historical park's Halloween     celebrations with my mom and a friend. We went into one room that was a replica of a bathroom and had "MURDER" written on the walls. A crazy woman with a knife popped out from behind the shower curtain and I've been scarred ever since. I used to have to have it open all the time whenever I went into the restroom at all but I've moved on to just needing it open at night. I feel like that's progress.

40. I love Harry Potter. I'm nostalgic about both the book series and the movies and regularly go back to re-read or watch them over and over just to go back to Hogwarts. I credit the Harry Potter books with why I've explored other Sci-Fi or magical series.

41. I'm an alumni of Texas State University. Eat 'em up, Cats!

42. The 5-6 people I would consider to be my best friends have all been long-time friendships of 10 years at least, if not more than 20 years.

43. Once, I had my hair cut unevenly and now I'm wary about going to a stylist  I don't already know and trust. If I do, then I still won't leave the parking lot without doing a full inspection.

44. I was only allowed to listen to Christian/Country music until I was 13... doesn't mean I wasn't a sneaky little thing and listened to it with friends and at school and such.

45. I can't stand tomatoes and I don't like tomato sauce but I love salsa!

46. I'm annoyingly indecisive. Like, I even annoy myself at my inability to make a decision without the opinion of three others and a Twitter poll.

47. Driving is the worst. The worst. One of the first things I would do if I won the lottery would be to hire someone to drive me around.

48. I don't currently have any pets but I really want a dog. A Weimaraner to be specific.

49. I've had two serious boyfriends in my romantic lifetime.

50. In high school I used to plan out all of my outfits and I would only wear jeans on Fridays. Getting ahead on "Casual Fridays".

Confessions From the Vanity has reached 50 videos! I'm so excited to have reached this milestone and to be just launching the blog at this point. Whether you're a new reader who just found my written blog or you're a visitor from my YouTube channel I just wanted to express my heartfelt thanks for your support. It means the world to me every day. I truly couldn't do any of what I've been able to do or have come up without the support of a community. This definitely feels like just the beginning and I'm looking forward to seeing where 50 more will lead us!

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